FUNGAL NAIL - Clearanail

Fungal Nail


Fungal Nail Treatment Oldham, Manchester

Fungal finger and toenails, also known as onychomycosis, are nails that have been infected by fungi, yeast or even a bacterial element.

This condition often causes the nails to become discoloured, thickened, brittle, and may lead to changes in their texture and shape.

It's a common issue and can affect both toenails and fingernails.

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Clearanail creates tiny holes in the nail plate to allow topical treatments to reach the nail bed in a high concentration. This means we can apply terbinafine (the main drug used in tablets to treat fungal nail) topically instead of taking oral medication systemically.

Many patients are opting for this instead of tablets due to concerns about side effects terbinafine tablets can have necessitating regular liver function tests. Results using this system are usually visible within 2-8 weeks.


Lunula Laser®

Lunula Laser® is a revolutionary low-level laser therapy for people suffering from painful, discoloured and disfigured toenails associated with nail fungus. It is FDA approved and targets fungus that lives in and under the toenail. The laser light passes through the nail without causing damage to it or the surrounding skin.

Unlike other treatments, Lunula Laser® has no known side effects, pain, or downtime and is the easy, convenient way to experience healthy, clear nails again. In fact, as little as 4 12-minute sessions are needed to treat the affected area. Unlike other laser systems such as Fotona and K.Laser there is no plume of smoke to breathe in and the treatment is completely painless.

It's important to consult a podiatrist, to determine the most suitable treatment for your specific case. We can consider factors such as the extent of the infection, your medical history, and any potential interactions with other medications you might be taking.

Please note that in moderate to severe cases we will need to apply a Urea ointment before laser to remove as much diseased nail as possible.



In severe cases we can perform a simple operation to remove the fungal nail and let it grow back again. This ‘belt and braces’ approach is often followed up with a treatment to strip the fungal disease from the nail bed and then utilising Lunula laser to speed up nail growth and suppress any reinfection.


Frequently asked questions for those looking to treat a fungal nail infection.

  • What causes fungal nail infection?

    Fungal nail infections are typically caused by different types of fungi. These fungi thrive in warm and moist environments, such as the insides of shoes and socks. Factors that can increase the risk of fungal nail infections include walking barefoot in damp public areas, having sweaty feet, having a compromised immune system, having a history of athlete's foot, and wearing tight-fitting shoes that trap moisture.

  • How long to cure fungal nail infection?

    The duration to cure a fungal nail infection can vary widely depending on several factors, including the severity of the infection, the chosen treatment method, individual response to treatment, and overall health.

    Laser therapy sessions might be spread over a few months, with noticeable improvement seen in the months following treatment.

    Keep in mind that new, healthy nail growth takes time, so even after the infection is cleared, it might take additional months for the affected nail to grow out and look normal again.

    It's crucial to follow your specialist recommendations and be patient throughout the treatment process. If you have concerns about the progress of your treatment, it's best to consult your podiatrist for guidance.

  • What happens if left untreated?

    Leaving a fungal nail infection untreated can result in a range of undesirable outcomes. As time progresses, the infection often becomes more severe, potentially spreading to other nails or areas of the body. Alongside discomfort and pain, the infected nail may undergo permanent changes in appearance, becoming thicker, discoloured, or misshapen. Neglecting treatment also raises the risk of infection transmission to others and secondary bacterial infections. Emotional well-being can be impacted due to the visible effects of the infection, while difficulty walking might arise from thickened nails causing discomfort in shoes. 

Toenail Cutting only £32 Special Offer

Fingernails and Toenails only £37

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